- I often feel that the way we pray is led by too much desire. Instead, the way we pray should be led by faith. Our prayers are often sort of a plea to the Infinite to either do something or not let something happen. It is very less about having trust in the Unknown. We ask too often, too driven by our desires and not by assurance in our acknowledgement of the One.
2. Sometimes while meditating, I feel blissfulness and time and space vanish at the same time. One could argue that this is the state of samadhi or oneness. But then, it gradually turns into a void which feels empty. It is as if nothing makes sense and everything is futile to say the least.
I guess it is the absolute paradoxical nature of the universe being played through me. The two polar opposites harmoniously exist and influence each other to strike perfect balance. This also implies that the universe is self sustaining and that it needs nothing or does nothing in truth. It eternally exists. This absolute being playing through me naturally implies that my true nature is one with everything else that I can perceive or not and in fact eternal.